Do you yak with your neighbors?

12 years 2 months ago #14758 by Sharkey
Sounds like my kinda neighborhood actually. :thumbs:

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #14760 by Moby
I know a lot of people like to live damn near isolated in a crowded area of home dewllers. Never understood it but to each their own. I'm a bbq cul de sac block party type of guy. I like to make friends, help people, and create networks of good friends. Help folks when they need it. To each their own I guess. We have a couple of "snob" types that do not want anything to do with anyone. I wish they would move.
If you're the loner type, trust me your nieghbors notice and all talk about you behind your back. A coommunity is exactly that a COMMUNITY!

A guy down the street knocked on my door and asked to use a gas can so he could fill his lawn mower. I told him he was the same guy that just rudely turned his head when he saw me driving into the nieghborhood, had a sour look on his face when he saw me wave at him and looked away. And he could not now nor ever depend on me for anything. Just keep on being that grumpy a-hole and get the hell off my front porch.

I'm not asking nieghbors to come over for a sleep over. but if you are not at least semi socail.....don't ask me for crap. MOVE TO THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS!!

If you're one of those "I'm too good for you" types that are anti socail, you deserve a isolated life. Who needs ya. In an emergerncy, like storms, tonado's, civil unrest, what ever, there is safety in numbers. I like knowing who's around me.
Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by Moby.

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12 years 2 months ago #14761 by Sharkey
Just for clarity, I'm the ONLY guy that was out during both of our hurricanes clearing our street of branches (some that had to be towed out) and a power line that kept anyone behind me on the street from moving. The older couple that didn't know who we were spend half of their time in Europe and talk to less people than I do.

I take very good care of things on my street and although the people may not recognize me all the time depending on how much hair I have on my face that day or how I'm dressed, most of em know who I am and know I take care of things.

I don't HATE my neighbors, I just don't spend a lot of time talking with them or want them popping over for a visit.

The majority of my life has been spent serving greater purposes than my neighbors needing a gas can so if I am uncomfortable with people talking and eventually asking me questions that they REALLY don't want answers to and I usually don't want to give, I consider it more as another service I provide them with rather than dumping what I've been through into their brains as well.

I've also got a lifetime in the fire service in my community so if anyone thinks I am not helpful to others or wants to imply it, they can go spit. I'm the ONLY man on my street that flies out of my driveway at midnight because someone's house is on fire and then STILL get off to work on time now that I have a "regular" job to go to.

And besides all that, do I seem "anti-social" to anyone on here? REALLY?

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12 years 2 months ago #14764 by Moby
Partner my post was not directed at you sir.
In fact I think you're one of those guys that SAYS he keeps to himself but would bet $100 if you lived in my Cul De Sac you'd be crackin a beer from time to time at my house. The fact that you're out helping nieghbors is evidence of not being as recluse as you elude. The gas can guy was a D%^K. So I let him know it. nothing to do with you bro. And you're posts on this forum also lead me to believe you just might be selective of your friends. Not a recluse. In fact I'd bet dollars to doughnuts you're a lot more socail than you give yourself credit for.

I too take care of the old people on my block.

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12 years 2 months ago #14765 by mlotziii
Sharkey dislikes people soooo much he has over 540 posts on the forum already :)

p.s. I now know what you were talking about with regard to the T-Shirt ads on the right side of the page... "literally"
The following user(s) said Thank You: Moby

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12 years 2 months ago #14767 by Moby

mlotziii wrote: Sharkey dislikes people soooo much he has over 540 posts on the forum already :)

p.s. I now know what you were talking about with regard to the T-Shirt ads on the right side of the page... "literally"

:rotfl: Yeah....I wish he did live close by. We'd be hangin all the time seeing which of us can pile it highest. LOL :woohoo:

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12 years 2 months ago #14772 by Sharkey
To be honest Moby, I've done so damn many things and been so many different people (tough to explain) that I'm never really sure who or WHAT I am most of the damn time. Not confused at all, just carrying around a lot of different things that tend to make me a bit more colorful than most and not everyone always understands either my sense of humor or my views on things.

I'm kinda cooked probably and although I work in the normal business world now, I'm always WAY off to the left of where everyone else is and just can't seem to get into the usual "office chatting" that everyone seems to live for.

Somewhere along the line, since I got married and had a family, I decided I needed to avoid most people only because they have problems they want to talk about and I have enough. Although if their house is on fire or they need a jump I'd be there, spending time listening about their sick dog seems to pale in comparison to the importance of working on my sons' homework with them, or throwing a football with them or going fishing, or just spending some quality time with the wife I am so VERY lucky to have found who puts up with so many things about me that she'll never understand.

I'm not stuck up, not snobbish, not even rude. I'm just focused now on what really matters to ME and that requires me to have to worry a lot less about what is going on in the outside world and concentrating on what goes on inside my own home and life.

I gave way to much time and too much of myself to things that only cost me myself and vast portions of my soul and all I want to do now is live as close to the life of a "regular fella" as I possibly can without giving any more of myself away to people who don't really give a DAMN about me.

At 49 years old, I still go to fires but if the neighbor's cat comes down with cancer and they need a shoulder to cry on, they are just gonna have to go to the next house over cuz I'm busy trying to figure out stinkin 4th grade algebra with my sons for Gosh sakes... :blink:

Thanks for the votes of confidence though guys. I do sincerely TRY to wave and stuff but I spose I'm almost afraid of letting people get near me. It just never seems to work out like it does for "regular folks" and I always end up feeling even more distant that I already am.

Or, I could just be a big a-hole... :laugh:

I'm never really sure. I do seem to be quite the lil chatterbox on here though don't it... :)

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12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #15033 by Sharkey
Ok. Apparently the old guy down the street appreciated me pulling the downed wires and branches out of the yard during this year's storm cuz he "visited" me today in a GOOD way. :)

When I woke up this morning, I had about 9 inches of snow on the ground and went out early to start cleaning off our cars and get the shoveling done.

I cleaned off the steps and then dug my way to our cars and then started brooming them off (I HATE it when people leave ice and snow on their roofs - it's dangerous) and no sooner did I get the cars cleaned off and running when I see the old guy down the street all gussied up in his winter wear, pulling out of his garage with his snow blower.

Thinking he was gonna do as usual and clean his driveway and then go back inside, I thought little of it and went back to shoveling - dreaming of the day when my wife and I can swing a snow blower of our own...

I looked over and noticed him blowing his way up the little dead end road and figured he was gonna actually do his SON'S driveway this year (his son bitches every year cuz his father won't do his too) and then suddenly he just turned into my driveway and was blasting his way toward me and my shovel.

He just looked at me quickly through his snow covered hood and went "Watch out for minute" and as I stood back, he went to work blowing out our entire driveway. I was stunned.

Never saying a word, he got it all done, gave me a little wave and I shouted "Thank you Sir" and he was heading back to his place, not having even done his son's driveway

Maybe some folks are beginning to understand me a bit around here and that sure was nice of him.

Maybe all this church goin I'm doin is having an effect or something. Who knows.

Either way, I'm a happy camper this morning cuz it was all done before my wife could even get dressed to come out and strain herself tryin to help..

Good stuff and I am grateful to him. :thumbs:
Last edit: 12 years 2 months ago by Sharkey.

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12 years 2 months ago #15039 by Siscowet
Probably just wants a chance to shoot your AR10. Just kidding, good to hear people still do that in your part of the country. :twothumbs:

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