I couldn't believe what I was reading but there is a sudden and MASSIVE demand for backpacks for kids with with kevlar pads in them that will stop pretty much all handgun ammo.
There are even photos of a kid who had removed their backpack and was crouched down behind it and using it like a shield.
What do you guys think? Would a bullet proof backpack actually be worth the 3 bills you gotta cough up for it?
I'm not talking about "hey, anything to protect my child". I'm talking about do you REALLY see a bullet proof backpack as being a lifesaver in the event of a school invasion or hostage situation? Sure, maybe a drive-by but anything other than a single shot and they are outta there, I don't think so.
I'm sorry, I don't see it as a genuine option to saving my sons' lives and no one better try telling me I don't love my boys. I just don't see this as being something that would REALLY stop a killer.
I say no. First you have limited used. Kids to do not wear backpacks in class, and when they do wear them, it's hanging off one shoulder. So aside from making kids sit at their desks front loaded like a C130, I do not understand how it would make any difference. Many schools already require see through, or mesh bags so kids can't hide stuff in them, so that would conflict as well.
On the other hand, I have seen brief cases and the like for sale with a ballistic panel in them designed to be used as a chest shield, intended to be used in conjunction with a ccw. Without that key element, to return fire, a person is still just a sitting duck and now baddy has armor. Training would of course be required to employ it correctly. Other than the existence of this type of protection, I know nothing about it.
I do know my kids though. I can just hear them now. "dad, can we go to the range and shoot our back packs to see what happens"? "ooh, can I put tannerite in mine"?
My other thought is that these are little kids. Are you REALLY going to train them to hang onto their damn backpacks every single second because their very life depends on being able to repel bullets at any given moment with it? And then train them even further of how to crouch down behind it while someone is shooting at them and then expect them to actually DO it?? REAALLY??
The other thing is, since they ARE little kids, even if the pack DOES repel the first round, it is still gonna knock them on their face just from the impact of the round and then poof, they are again exposed and laying their, IF they still aren't panicking, trying to take their pack off so they can get it between them and the shooter rather than just running like hell and making themselves a moving target and POSSIBLY not worth shooting at depending on the gunman's intent.
I think it is just made to fool parents into thinking they are going to save their kids lives and give them all a VERY False sense of security.
Seems like a kid size vest would be a better option. I just went to grandpa's day awhile back and my twins kindergarten class had their packs hung on a hook by the door so school procedures would be a big factor.
And yes, I think a vest WOULD be nice but again, are you really going to send your little ones off to school wearing bullet proof vests every single day? I can't imagine it and PRAY it never comes to that.
I HATE those things and I'm gonna tell my sons they have to wear them every single day to elementary school? Talk about making your kids nervous on a daily basis...
Well, sharkey, false sense of security is what all of this is about. Most of these bobble heads only want to 'feel' safe. They have no intention of doing anything to actually BE safe. Right?
All this reminds me of the schools during the cold war days. With all the nuke drills of getting under your desk and all. I kind of hoped we were past this as a country and world. Maybe I am a bit naive.
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