For the last couple of weeks the geese have been feeding really heavy temps in the 40's during the day and teens at night, then they were gone, except for a few stragglers. Then it happened! Should have guessed it, 0 deg. last night and high today of 18 deg. anyone else have any stories of the wild predicting the weather?
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Well, there was the time when I was framing houses and the weather was changing. This old carpenter who was training me sees me looking up and geese headed south and says "It's going to get cold soon, maybe this weekend". I say, That's amazing, how they know when and where to fly. He says, "yep, they fly in them V's so they don't wore out too fast. First goose breaks up the air for the others and they take turns up front". I said, oh I didn't know that. Then he asks me if I knew why one side of the V was longer than the other, I said nope. "cuz there's more geese on that side".
That old hand could always get me.
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