Been an old Ringneck, Bobwhite hunter for over 42 years, been there done that. Thought I was a bird dog until I was 10. That was the best job I ever had come to think about it :thumbs:
A few more here this year (ringnecks) then in the last few ( I'm in Central NE), but nothing like the past, first year I hunted with a single shot .410 shot 52 birds, and that was while pointing for the old man :ohmy:
Well have a good hunt, and are you now blocking (I have two pellets in my calf from a dumb ass who didn't know his line of site) or still playing bird dog?
Archery gets over next week. Black Powder and modern rifle are over. My son did all the shooting this year. Had some venison chops from his deer night before last. They were excellent. Now we are thinking of taking the AR10 out and set up for some long distance coyote shooting this winter along some of the power lines on state owned land. Need to dig out my old winter camo gear. I have to get out to the range first and set up my notebook for bullet drop and range data for the load I am using in it. Then I will feel better about hitting what I aim at. Now that all the relatives have left after Christmas I should have some time to do it.
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