It seems these days, it's hard to decide exactly what to call our form of government, what with all of the crap that's been going down in D.C. I suppose we are officially still a democracy, even though it seems that "for the people by the people" died face down in the mud on the political front, with Obama-care's bayonet protruding from it's back, the final mortal wound. Socialism seems to be a catch-phrase on the lips of the doomsday prophets, warning us of the impending demise of all we know...but we don't exactly fit the socialism mold-yet. Monarchy kind of seems to loosely fit, what with our appointed leader determining that he shouldn't have to answer to anybody-the supreme court included...but in the end we can still boot him out, provided the electoral vote we can't exactly call it a monarchy. So the question begs to ask, what the hell do we call this political mess we've been drug into?
I got a forwarded email from a friend today, and whoever posted this originally seems to have answered that question pretty well, and given a definition that clearly sums it all up, just about as accurately as one could state...I give you, INEPTOCRACY...definition follows...
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-Ra-cy) _ A system of government in which the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and in which the members of society deemed least likely to sustain themselves and/or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
If this doesn't hit the nail dead center on the head, then I don't know what does.
You've gotta love 1SGT and/or Platoon SGT words of wisdom...seems like no matter where you go in the Army, the senior NCOs always have life summed up into two or three smart ass sayings, and they're always spot-on.
When we used to go to the field for FTX phases, it would almost always seem to be pouring rain. Top used to say that it was because "The great Sergeant Major in the sky wants to afford us the best possible training environment." And then my Platoon Sergeant would chime in with; "Men, it's 75 degrees, and the sun is shining brightly....just not here."
Damn right I miss it, truest wisdom on earth, and I have no clue where they get this from.
That old man made SGM and it broke his heart. took him too far from the joes. He was one of those that could smoke you till you puke and have you laughing the whole time. I only ever saw him truly angry once.. I'd rather go door kicking with nothing but my socks and an MRE spoon. I'd still do anything for him.
I'll never for get this one. heard this my first day.
Jeezus Meatloaf Christ! I have not been this disappointed since I sat down to watch "wife swap". Musta been the same false advertisement your recruiter used to get you here. I think you're all in cahoots trying to ruin my day.
I'm pushing, he's smiling, Both laughing, and somehow I'ts a great time.
I had this one particular First Sergeant when I was in the 82nd Airborne that I'll never forget, long as I live. He'd been a Delta operator and came out to get line command time for promotion...That guy was a horse of a different color. He didn't look a thing like you'd expect a delta force guy to look-in fact, he looked (and talked) like Joe Pesci-just as short, but a lot leaner...Had a wall full of photos of him and other guys in all sorts of uniforms holding weapons you normally don't see in the Army inventory, standing in places we probably weren't ever officially deployed to. He didn't give a shit about filling the proverbial First Sergeant mold. He'd smoke the hell out of us in PT-short little bastard could walk backwards and out-road march my six foot tall ass-and I mean that literally-he'd walk backwards right past us with a kool-aid grin and call us whiny little bitches all the time. He wouldn't accept anything but our best in the field, no excuses...but he'd also be the first guy to show up at the barracks with a case of beer on Friday night, and we had to pour him into his office to sleep it off on a regular basis...I've never had a best friend I feared letting down so much in my life.
Last I heard, the poor guy got zapped in the back of the kevlar with an AK round in the Stan. It didn't kill him, but he's mostly blind now. Rumor has it that his Delta buddies got him hooked up with a desk jockey spot so he could ride out his 20-he was close...God bless Army buddies...It's a damn shame though-guy like that, riding his last rides from behind a desk...I know it's killing him...Like putting a wild animal in a cage.
Last edit: 12 years 8 months ago by txlongshotb4. Reason: had more to add...sorry.
That's gotta be rough getting chained to a desk like that. At least his buddies covered down on him so he didn't get sent down the road. I'd imagine that would have been worse on him.
I'll never understand how those stumpy sf dudes move like that. I'm 6'4" and I never got my 20k better than 2hr43mins.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend sir. I served in the Coast Guard and never was in that kind of danger. The Guard has its dangerous moments but nothing like the warriors we (the nation) send to combat. I'm glad their letting him ride to retirement. I hope his life is easy from here on out, yet somehow fulfilling. Of course that will be tough order for a guy like that. It's because of men like yourself and him my family sleeps in peace and safety. God bless.
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