Reloads for my DPMS CAL. 308

11 years 10 months ago #19182 by joetahoe
I just loaded 50 rounds of .308 for my AR-10. I used IMR 4064 in all the following loads:

125g Sierra Spitzer 45g IMR 4064
130g Hornady Spire Pt 45g IMR 4064
150g Hornady SST 43g IMR 4064
168g Hornady BTHP 42g IMR 4064
180g Hornady SST 40g IMR 4064
190g Sierra HPBT 39g IMR 4064

I loaded the above in 5 round lots. Some 5 round lots I used factory brass (i.e. Winchester and Federal) and some military (i.e. LC, WCC, M80, etc.)

I consulted 4 different reloading manuals for .308 Win and backed off the max load listed by at least 1g and usually 2g

After I finished loading, I noticed my Hornady Manual has a section for the 308 Winchester Service Rifle. The manual identifies the Service rifle as the M1A/M14. The max loads listed for the Service Rifle are at times a few tenths of a grain more than what I loaded.

Should I be concerned about shooting these loads in my DPMS AR-10 or is the concern directed toward the M1A/M14?

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11 years 10 months ago #19193 by alamo308
Well, Joe, I cannot answer your question, but I am certainly interested in seeing the comparative results when you do shoot these loads. At what distance(s) will you shoot for the evaluations?

I have used only Varget powder so far, and it might be a little hotter than the 4064, since I started low, but with Varget that turns out to be right around your 4064 near-max charges, i.e., 42 grains. I used the same charge for all Sierra HPBT both 168g (300 yards) and 175g (1000 yards). All those were in LC cases. Right now I am evaluating similar loads but in Federal Cartridge and Lapua cases. The 168g @ 300 yard target is my avatar (iron sights). I shot several 1000 yards matches with the iron sights, but have since installed a scope, and have yet to compete with that. Those matches are staged at 800, 900, and 1000 yards, so can't use the 168 projectiles since they start to tumble beyond 600 yards and would be subsonic before reaching the target.

Good luck; let us know your results.

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11 years 10 months ago #19194 by joetahoe

Thanks for your input, I really appreciate your feedback. I'll post my results once I get to the range. Thus far I've only loaded with Varget, WC852f, and IMR 4895. The Varget did not do any where near as well as the WC852f or IMR 4895.

Thanks again, Joe

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11 years 10 months ago #19203 by LebbenB

Should I be concerned about shooting these loads in my DPMS AR-10 or is the concern directed toward the M1A/M14?

I would be a little concerned but not much since you're still below the given max charge. The rule of thumb for load development is to look at the max charge and subtract 10%. That's your starting load. Then increase the charge by .1 or .05 gr increments until you find a charge/bullet combo your rifle likes.

Also keep an eye out for over pressure signs like ejector smears on the case head.

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11 years 10 months ago #19236 by joetahoe
Lebben, thanks for your feedback.

Specifically I still would like to know if the M1A/M14 and my DPMS AR-10 are similar when it comes to reducing loads?

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11 years 10 months ago #19306 by LebbenB

Specifically I still would like to know if the M1A/M14 and my DPMS AR-10 are similar when it comes to reducing loads?

Yes. Both are gas operated semi-auto rifles. For that matter, the 10% rule applies to all loads both bolt and semi auto.

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11 years 10 months ago #19328 by mjmcmahon

joetahoe wrote: Alamo,

Thanks for your input, I really appreciate your feedback. I'll post my results once I get to the range. Thus far I've only loaded with Varget, WC852f, and IMR 4895. The Varget did not do any where near as well as the WC852f or IMR 4895.

Thanks again, Joe

I'll be watching this one as well as I'm doing similar load development. I'd tried RL15 and Varget when I started but didn't see consistent results. That said, I think it's more a matter of 'what you can find' for powder at this point. My last trip to a local reloading store did allow me to come home with a pound of powder and a box o' bullets, but the cost for each was about $20 more than what would have been normal a few months ago. :(

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11 years 10 months ago #19336 by geraldsd
I have a Mega MATEN. I have a 150 gr. load of 43.5 of IMR 4064. I prints very well with a variety of 150 gr. bullets. It is quite common to beat 1/2" at 100 yds. I have raised it to as high as 45 grs of 4064 but the accuracy suffers. 43.5 grs is just a happy spot.

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11 years 10 months ago #19374 by joetahoe
Lebben, excellent response. It made me ask myself ... why didn't I think of that.

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11 years 10 months ago #19376 by joetahoe
Gerald, Thanks for your response. Your use of 45g behind a 150g bullet has given me a bit of reassurance. I can't wait to get to the range to see what my 43g of IMR 4064 does behind the 150g Hornady SST. I'll let you know ... probably not till next week cause I'll be busy hiding Easter eggs for my grand kids!

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