I bought 1000 rounds of Sellier & Bellot .308 ammo and and going to try and reload it. So far it seems that the primer pocket is a bit tight and sometimes distorts the primer after I hand prime it. Has anyone experienced this as well?
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I'll PM you my address, you send it to me and I'll see it gets disposed of properly. Oh my goodness yes. Send that to me straight away before anything bad happens...
I wonder if Seller and Bellot might be using a small rifle primer and proprietary brass rather then a large rifle primer and standard brass. Reaming probably would take care of it though, I would think. You might get a magnifying setup and a very small micrometer or some other way to measure the primer pocket. Other wise you may try varying the primer seating depth with your hand priming tool. I used to have some issues like that with Squires and Bingham Filipino Military brass in 5.56. I found a more steady gentle pressure with a hand priming tool was the solution. Hope that helps. Also is it a good fit on the shell holder in the hand priming tool? Any play or misalignment?
Last edit: 12 years 9 hours ago by Siscowet. Reason: Misspell
Sharkey wrote: You need to just throw all that ammo away buddy.
I'll PM you my address, you send it to me and I'll see it gets disposed of properly. Oh my goodness yes. Send that to me straight away before anything bad happens...
They don't call you the shark for nothing. :rotfl:
Sharkey wrote: You need to just throw all that ammo away buddy.
I'll PM you my address, you send it to me and I'll see it gets disposed of properly. Oh my goodness yes. Send that to me straight away before anything bad happens...
They don't call you the shark for nothing. :rotfl:
Watching out for our members' safety is all just part of the service buddy...
RCBS makes a swage for primer pockets as well. You don't have to remove metal that way and get a spec size primer pocket. Pain in the :censored: doing it though.
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