Please be mindful that there are many different views on the forums. The only thing we all agree on is the AR-10 is an awesome rifle!

You Think You Have it Bad...

13 years 9 months ago #7964 by BUILDING MY SASS
I am putting it in this category because of the "Political" implications of this whole mess...
This is MY BACK YARD for the most part....
May God Help Us...

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13 years 9 months ago #7965 by BUILDING MY SASS
To clarify....About 2 hours from WHERE I LIVE....Up Stream am I...but the winds and the Aquifer DON'T DO THE UP STREAM THING....SO :ohmy:
May God Help Us ALL....

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13 years 9 months ago #7966 by jtallen83
We're neighbors! I live about 50 miles north east of the plant in Iowa. We are safe here when it comes to the water table but 3 out 4 storms that hit there come here so the wind would not be my friend. I'm amazed at the lack of local coverage, nothing in my local paper or on the local radio. The Omaha news only mentions it in passing. No one seems to think it will be an issue around here. It is nice to know it is shut down right now. With all the flooding I suppose the media has easier more sensational reports to make. To me the dirty little secret that the media isn't touching is the fact that this is a man made flood caused by favoring fish and birds over people. I love to eat both but.... Damn!

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13 years 9 months ago #7967 by crux
If Flood Control were more than an afterthought of the mission assigned to Army Corps of Engineers these days ( ) I wonder if this would be less a problem.
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13 years 9 months ago #7969 by BUILDING MY SASS
Point being my Friend..If it does a "Japan"...all that we own is lost.......but I agree..the ACOE...has alot to answer for...As what was said by folks around here..
Tourist Revenue played a major part in it...always about money...
If either GOES...we loose everything....and where do we GO..
The Wife and I agreed...we will stay "to the end" in our home...and defend it against whom ever may try to take what we have built...We have no where to go.
That being said...Just Remember.....The time is coming were all this world has now...will mean absolutely NOTHING.............
Be Prepared.............and I don't mean food and ammo..though it doesn't hurt to have an ample supply of both....but, well you know what I mean..
God Bless Us All..

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13 years 9 months ago #7971 by crux
Yea I hear ya. An F5 tornado ran over our nuke plant and everything was cool though :) Its never comforting though. Hang in there!

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13 years 9 months ago #7990 by Akai
DON'T WORRY the ACOE have it under control, and the pumps are working fine. Dosen't this all sound familiar! I'm down wind 45min south west, wish we could get a honest answer from someone before it to late. Think we should shut them down before there time, Can't we learn, Oh! and whats going on in Japan that issue hasn't been in the news for awhile! Maybe we should have left the Birds and Bees to do what God intented yea but we can alswys improve!


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13 years 9 months ago #7993 by MrMarty51
ACOE should have maintained the water level in Ft,Peck dam to what it was three years ago,a real nice level apptoximately sixty feet lower than what it is that level there would have been enough storage capacity to hold back a very large portion of the water that they had to start releasing a couple of weeks ago.
They were,last I HERD,releasing about 68,000 cubic feet a second,I do`nt rememers but the flood gates are open in a time that they should be storing water.With over 1200 miles of shore line sixty feet would be "A LOT OF WATER".
The last time they emptied the lake was when more water was needed in the Missippi/Missouri rivers to keep the barges floating,again,in a time when there already was flooding in the south lands. :angry:
And a 47 second video of the spillway.

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13 years 9 months ago #7997 by BUILDING MY SASS
You must be up is gavanspoint dam...just north of me...and up stream from the power-plants....

The video says 150,000 but just this week they upped it to 168,000 cfs

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13 years 9 months ago #8005 by MrMarty51

BUILDING MY SASS wrote: You must be up is gavanspoint dam...just north of me...and up stream from the power-plants....

The video says 150,000 but just this week they upped it to 168,000 cfs

I hail in from Eastern Montana,Miles City,about a hunnert miles from the southern points of Ft.Peck and about one block from the Jellystone River.
The Yellowstone flows into the Missouri near Sidney Mt. near the North Dakota border.At the Bridge here in Miles City the Yellowstone is flowing 73000 cu/ft a second and there are many smaller tributaries before the Yellowstone reaches the Missouri,taking that 73000 and adding the 68000 from the Peck and it would add up to what is going over Your dam at Gavins Point. :blink: :P

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