Classic Revolvers

12 years 3 months ago #14204 by Akai
Classic Revolvers was created by Akai
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6" Colt Python Does it get any better than this? :cowboy:

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12 years 3 months ago #14221 by Siscowet
Replied by Siscowet on topic Classic Revolvers
I have a S&W Model 27 highway patrolman from 1952 in .357 6 inch barrel. My backpacking partner.

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12 years 3 months ago #14225 by Akai
Just starting to get into the S&W's bought a few out of a friends estate he only had 137 pistols to chose from so it was tough, that's where a few of the Colts came from also. Coming for C-mas or New Years, don't know when they are going to ship a 1980 N Frame Model 520 in .357 only 3000 made for NYSP and a 610-3 in 10mm or .40SW, 6" 629 in .44 mag. :dance: Happy New Year

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12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #14231 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Classic Revolvers
Here is my pocket pistol, a 1950's S&W Chief Special or model 36, I think. It came from a local guy that retired from the FBI in the 80's. The Pachmyers are on it because the kids wanted to shoot it on thanksgiving and I didn't want any drops. He had the original round butt grips and the wooden target grips with his name, FBI, and a number written on the inside included in a box. Regretfully he left us before I was able to get any real history, if only guns could talk.....
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by jtallen83.

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12 years 3 months ago #14232 by jtallen83
Replied by jtallen83 on topic Classic Revolvers
OK.... Why doesn't my picture show? I had this figured out at one point but that doesn't seem to work now.... any advice??????

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12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #14242 by LebbenB
Replied by LebbenB on topic Classic Revolvers
There ya go, JT! I couldn't figger out what was going on with your link, so I copied the pic from your gallery to my Photobucket account and hung it that way.

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Good looking wheel gun, brother. As old as that gun is, I'd wager that trigger is butter smooth.
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by LebbenB.

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12 years 3 months ago #14270 by Akai
Replied by Akai on topic Classic Revolvers
Smooth :ohmy: has to be :silly: I can't wait for my new (old) S&W's they were trigger Jobbed by a real gun smith :evil: Any one else have a 520 new or old the new have a titanium cylinder.

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12 years 1 day ago - 12 years 1 day ago #19681 by Akai
Replied by Akai on topic Classic Revolvers
1944 Colt Official Police

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Last edit: 12 years 1 day ago by Akai.

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12 years 1 day ago #19684 by 13fcolt
Replied by 13fcolt on topic Classic Revolvers
What happened to Colt revolvers? I remember them being the big deal for awhile, nearly replacing the marlin 30-30 for white tail where I'm from.
Then BAM, they just sort of vanished.

Still have the jitters for a S&W 500.

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12 years 1 day ago #19688 by Charlie
Replied by Charlie on topic Classic Revolvers

Siscowet wrote: I have a S&W Model 27 highway patrolman from 1952 in .357 6 inch barrel. My backpacking partner.

Cool! I've got an S&W M 27 8 3/8 Nickel 3Ts that I picked up new back in '76. Love the thing. It's huge!

I bought it because the Dirty Harry craze was in full swing, but never did get the shoulder rig. These days it's a safe queen unless I take it to the range (rarely).

I carried an S&W M 66-2 4" for years. Still got it, but switched to a Sig when I got my CHP. El Kid has an M66 too (his is a 66-1 in 6"). For serious handgun shooting (when we want to hit something at a distance) we prefer a revolver.

Always wanted an S&W Kit gun (M 17?), but I missed that wagon. Maybe some day.


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