As some of you would know, I'm not just a gun guy, I also love my fast cars. This is a project that I have wanted to do all of my life, and I finally can fulfill my dream. To get things started, I had to deep clean my garage. I organized tools, cleaned shelves, and slapped some paint of the floor. I think it turned out awesome.
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Step two was saying goodbye to my favorite car to date.
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It had 41,500 miles on it and was an absolute fun car. However, it was heavy, used a good bit of gas, super expensive to repair, and couldn't corner. Long story short, limited production Pontiacs are only fun for so long. I ended up selling the GTO for a good chunk to a 60 year old woman who wanted to drive around the Indy track. She fell in love with it when she first saw it and I'm sure she will take great care of it.
Step three of the plan was to get the new car. I needed something that was cheap, but was in somewhat decent shape. So I hit Craigslist and found the best vehicle I could find for my project.
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Yes, I sold my 400 horsepower GTO for a 1997 Miata. But wait, and you will see.
Step four was to get all the equipment I would need to make this project as easy as possible.
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Please ignore the mess, I still need to organize everything and repaint the floor again.
The lift, balancer, and tire machine will not only make this project easier, but life in general.
Step five... This is where things get really fun. Today I ordered this beautiful piece of art.
That's right folks, this little toy car is getting a 430hp V8. When it's all said and done, the car will be around 2900lbs with me in it. That's 1000lbs lighter than my GTO was. This is all I have got right now. I will update the thread as I progress. So stay tuned!